プログラミング、エンジニア、IT関連の情報交換の場。 未経験・初学者大歓迎。
I went to Shinjuku on business and attended a meeting about the recruitment of overseas students. An advisor of an agent talked about the current recruitment situation. He said the situation and th
My company has demanded that the teachers give the presentation in online meeting every week. But it seems to be difficult to give presentation regularly because we'll get run out of material to spea
My school is in spring vacation from Mar. 18, but I had been planning supplementary classes for EJU. Tody the class started today. Three out of four students who applied for a practice EJU examination
It was raining all day long. I ate lunch at Yoshino-ya and shopped at the usual supermarket. After that I prepared tomorrow's special class for EJU(Examination for Japanese University Admission for I
Yesterday I got an email from my ex-colleague. He wrote that his friend might be hired as a teacher of my school and asked me how my school was at the moment. So, I was frightened that I might be fi
My school conducted a graduation ceremony for eighteen graduates. I presented them with diplomas and gave a speech at the ceremony on behalf of the principal who couldn't attend for his bad shape.
I taught the last class of this year by face-to-face. As it was the unmotivated class, over half of the students were absent and the present students were so lazy that they were wanted to get back ea
I used 'breakout room' of Zoom in the online class today, too. I lectured on 'speech' and gave them time to write drafts. After that they split into four groups and most of the students kept SILENT
In the online class I used 'breakout room' function of Zoom for the first time. It was my colleague's idea, but it didn't work out because most of the students kept silent in the each group. We ha
My school conducted the term examination today. Besides, there were an online regular meeting that I had to chair. In the meeting I gave a presentation on the class management toward bad students. I
Yesterday’s class went on relatively smoothly. But today the absent students were over half of the class, which was another one from yesterday's, what was worse, the present students were not seriou
In our school we restarted the face-to-face class today, which will be continued until Wednesday. I made the students to solve reading and listening questions which will be the term examination on We
先週、日本領事館から娘の教科書を取りに来てくださいとメールが来ました。 約一年前に突然ロックダウンになったグアム。その時小学校6年生の教科書を受け取りに行かないといけない期間だったけど、ロックダウンになったから受け取りは、いつでも良いですよと連絡が来ていた。 一度ロックダウ...
Japan's government determined to postpone the declaration of state of emergency in the metropolitan area again for two weeks. In our school we talked about continuing the online class. Finally, we de
Yesterday I wrote complaint on my company in this diary. But I think I have to appreciate being hired by the company in spite of my age. It's because I'm fit and healthy that I can continue to work,
I work for the company which have no proper regular health check in the workplace and give a low salary. But the president has demanded for us to make a presentation regularly as the proper company's
Japan’s government determined to lift the declaration of state of emergency in six prefecrures except for the metropolitan area at the end of this month. I wonder if the declaration of the metropoli
プログラミング、エンジニア、IT関連の情報交換の場。 未経験・初学者大歓迎。
特に決まりはない自由なテーマです。 計装のテーマが無かったので作成しました。 資格ブログ以外も可能。 キーワード:計装、計測、センサー、制御、プラント、ビル、エンジニア、システム、計装士
マットは自動車用のフィルムコーティングをスプレーしました。 非常に素晴らしい。 飽きたら跡形もなく外せます。
アラ還女子が一から校正者目指してます。 校正や校正にまつわることならなんでもお気軽にどうぞ♪ マニアックなテーマなので興味ある方と仲間になりたいです。
産業保健師、行政保健師、学校保健師 保健師に関する転職、働き方などについての情報交換
AWSに関する情報を共有しましょう。 AWSの利用、認定資格の話題など。
FP技能士の勉強についての記事をあげてください みんなで勉強&資格取得を目指しましょう!
[PR]━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━ 更新が簡単!カスタマイズも充実!ブログより凄い? 本格的な飲食店ホームページの作成が月額 1,000円(税抜)で実現します! https://px.a8.net/svt/ejp?a8mat=3BBKUD+ERO3ZM+348+1TJTPF ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━[PR] 【グーペ】デザインを4000パターン以上から選べるHP作成サービス
心理学・脳科学・睡眠学について書かれたら、紹介してください。 本の紹介もOKです。